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Volunteer Opportunities



    Board of Director positions hold 2-year terms. Additionally, these positions attend monthly Board meetings and are actively involved in chapter programs/events hosted throughout the year. Contact Us to be submitted to the Selection Committee.



    Core Leadership Director positions hold a 1-year term. Additionally, these positions attend monthly Board meetings and are actively involved in chapter programs/events hosted throughout the year. Contact Us to be submitted to the Board of Directors for selection.

    Social Media Director

    Membership Committee

    Volunteers are needed to help recruit and retain members and assist members in becoming involved with the Chapter. Activities include identifying potential members, making new members feel welcome and developing other strategies to promote membership and retention with the HRMA of NWMO and SHRM.

    Workforce Readiness Committee

    Volunteers are needed to identify workforce readiness opportunities through the region that promote development and workforce readiness in our communities and organizations. Members will work together to identify, schedule and assist with opportunities through partnership with other local organizations. 

    Programs Committee

    Volunteers are needed to be a part of setting the chapter's educational curriculum for the entire year. Volunteers will work together to develop topics, recruit speakers and coordinate logistics for the monthly programs and events throughout the year including applying for recertification credits through HRCI. 

    SHRM Foundation Committee

    Volunteers are needed to assist with generating awareness of the SHRM Foundation through fundraisers and other chapter activities. Committee members will be responsible for planning and delivering activities designed to raise awareness and funds for the SHRM Foundation.

    Diversity Committee

    Volunteers are needed to help assess and address diversity among chapter members, identify best practices and measurements for diversity to be promoted and provided to chapter members, and serve as a diversity resource for chapter members and their organizations.

    College Relations Committee

    Volunteers are needed to strengthen partnerships between the chapter and area Colleges and Universities offering degrees in human resource management. The committee serves as an advisor to local student chapters and acts as a liaison between the shapter, SHRM and the student chapters.

    Contact Us to learn more!