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SHRM Primary Chapter Designation Form

    While a SHRM member may belong to more than one affiliated chapter, only one chapter may be designated as that member's primary chapter. A member is free to change that designation as he/she wishes. Primary Chapter Designation Forms (CDFs) are signed directives from the member to SHRM authorizing SHRM to change his/her primary chapter designation.

     The CDF is completed by the professional member -- after they have joined the chapter through the chapter application process -- and submitted via this form. Upon receipt of the executed form, the member's primary chapter will be changed.

     To ensure changes are made during the appropriate month, submission deadlines are in place. From January through November, the signed form must be received by the 5th business day prior to the end of the month to be processed in that month. For the month of December, the signed form must be received by the 15th of the month to be processed by December 31st.

    Forms received after the deadlines will be held for processing in the following month.

    This form is only necessary for individuals looking to change their primary chapter designation. A chapter can still provide their Member Engagement Associate with membership updates.

    Chapter Name: HRMA of Northwest Missouri

    Chapter Number: 255

    I hereby designate the above named chapter as my primary chapter for SHRM membership coding purposes. I understand that:

     1. This in no way precludes membership in other chapters.

     2. This allows SHRM to list my membership to this chapter for financial support program purposes only.

     3. By choosing this chapter designation, this does not confirm or guarantee membership in the chapter.

     You must be a current national member of the Society for Human Resource Management to complete this form.

    This needs to be the email address that you use for your SHRM membership. SHRM switched to the email as the membership identifier. For HRMA of NW MO to get credit for your SHRM membership this email will need to match National SHRMS records.
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