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Leadership Positions

    Know someone you would like to nominate or want to get more involved yourself? We want to hear from you! Click the below job titles to learn more about each position's duties. If you are interested in getting involved or would like to nominate someone for a position click the link below to apply or nominate.
    Membership Committee
    Programs/Special Events Committee
    Click below to nominate someone or apply for a position!

    About the Selection Process: 
    Primary Leadership Roles (i.e. President, President-Elect, Treasurer, Secretary) will be reviewed by the Selection Committee and selection is required through a vote by the membership. Elections occur every two years and service terms in these roles are for 2-year periods. Your application will be sent to the Selection Committee and presented to the membership for a vote during the election period. See the Chapter by-laws for more information.

    Secondary Leadership Roles (i.e. Programs Chair, Membership Chair, etc.) will be reviewed by the Selection Committee and the Board of Directors. The selected person for a Chair role will be voted on and chosen through the Selection Committee and Board of Directors appointment process with final appointment by the President.

    Committee Member applications will be forwarded to the appropriate Chair for the group. Participation in Committee roles is immediate does not require prior approval by the Board of Directors.